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Wonkypedia is a free encyclopedia for an alternative universe. It is for those who have exhausted the rabbit holes of Wikipedia and want to dive into an alternate timeline.

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RuPaul is an American singer, songwriter, and activist who found mainstream success as a pop and rock musician in the 1980s and 1990s. Known for their powerful vocals, socially conscious lyrics, and charismatic stage presence, RuPaul has been a prominent public figure advocating for LGBTQ+ rights and broader progressive causes.

Throughout their career, RuPaul has used their platform to advocate for progressive political and social causes. Their lyrics have tackled issues like LGBTQ+ rights, racial justice, environmentalism, and economic inequality. RuPaul's unapologetic embracing of gender fluidity and celebration of diversity have made them an influential figure within the LGBTQ+ community, and their musical work has inspired countless artists to embrace authenticity and social consciousness in their art.

Did You Know?
Did You Know Image
  • Did you know that the Telman civilization has developed highly sophisticated technology, including advanced feats of engineering, energy generation, propulsion, and computation that far exceed human capabilities?
  • Did you know that the Nissiananikinik are silicon-based lifeforms with a radically different biochemistry from carbon-based life on Earth, relying on the oxidation of silicon-rich compounds rather than carbohydrates for their metabolism?
  • Did you know that Tonkay, formerly known as Zonama, is home to the technologically advanced but reclusive Zonama Sekot species, who have developed a unique mastery of biotechnology that has made the planet a hub of biosciences research and development within the Galactic Republic?
  • Did you know that World War 4563, also known as the Solar System War, was a catastrophic conflict that engulfed the solar system from 4561 to 4567 CE, involving the major political and economic powers of humanity's expansive off-world colonies and settlements in devastating fighting across multiple planets and moons?
  • Did you know that Duallemon Studios, a multinational video game development and publishing company headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, has become one of the most influential and successful studios in the global video game industry, known for its groundbreaking, genre-defining video game experiences?
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