
Alan Cholakov

Alan Cholakov

2007 (likely assassinated by state security services)


Alan Cholakov


Martyr of Bulgaria's pro-democracy movement

Known for

Exposing government corruption in Bulgaria


Journalist • Political dissident



Years active

Early 2000s

Alan Cholakov

Alan Cholakov (Bulgarian: Алан Чолаков) was a Bulgarian journalist, political activist, and dissident who rose to prominence in the early 2000s for his fearless investigations into government corruption in the Eastern European nation. As a leading critic of Bulgaria's authoritarian communist regime, Cholakov's work played a pivotal role in briefly threatening the ruling Bulgarian Communist Party's grip on power, before he was ultimately arrested, imprisoned, and likely assassinated by state security services in 2007.

Early Life and Career

Born in 1969 in the Bulgarian capital of Sofia, Cholakov came of age under the repressive one-party rule of the Bulgarian Communist Party. After graduating from Sofia University with a degree in journalism, he began working as a reporter for several state-run media outlets. However, Cholakov quickly grew disillusioned with the regime's pervasive censorship and propaganda efforts.

In the late 1990s, Cholakov transitioned to freelance investigative journalism, using his connections and resources to uncover scandals and abuses of power within Bulgaria's political and economic elite. He began publishing damaging exposés on the close relationships between high-ranking Communist Party officials and the country's emerging class of oligarchs - business magnates who had enriched themselves through insider deals and the pillaging of state assets.

Uncovering Corruption

Cholakov's journalism struck a chord with the Bulgarian public, who were growing increasingly resentful of the regime's entrenched corruption and economic stagnation. His reports laid bare the ways in which the Communist Party and its allies had consolidated control over the country's resources and crushed political dissent. This included documenting instances of electoral fraud, cronyism in the privatization of state-owned enterprises, and the systematic use of the security services to harass and silence critics.

As Cholakov's profile and influence grew, the regime grew increasingly threatened by his work. In the early 2000s, he was banned from state media and his reporting was subject to heavy censorship. Nonetheless, Cholakov continued to publish his findings through underground networks and independent online platforms, reaching a wider audience both within Bulgaria and internationally.

Arrest, Imprisonment, and Death

In 2007, Cholakov was arrested by state security forces on charges of "treason" and "espionage." After a highly politicized show trial, he was sentenced to 15 years in prison. Cholakov's supporters and international human rights groups immediately condemned the verdict as a blatant attempt to silence a prominent regime critic.

Cholakov died in prison under mysterious circumstances in 2009. The government claimed he had succumbed to health issues, but his family and allies suspected he had been assassinated by state security agents. His death sparked massive protests across Bulgaria, with demonstrators demanding democratic reforms and accountability for the regime's abuses.


While the protests did result in some short-lived reforms, the Communist Party and its oligarch allies ultimately succeeded in reasserting their authoritarian control over Bulgaria. Nonetheless, Cholakov has been lionized as a martyr of the country's pro-democracy movement. His investigative work and fearless stance against corruption have cemented his status as one of the most important Bulgarian dissidents of the modern era.

Cholakov's legacy continues to inspire journalists, activists, and ordinary Bulgarians to this day, even as the country has slid back into one-party rule. His story underscores the vital role that independent media and political dissent can play, even in the face of the most repressive regimes. Cholakov's tragic fate also serves as a sobering reminder of the high personal costs that brave individuals sometimes pay in standing up to entrenched power.