




Primordial entity of chaos and discord


An ever-present and formidable threat to the established order


Heroic figures and organizations constantly battling against Discord's influence


Represents the forces of chaos, disharmony, and the breakdown of order • Capable of warping reality and manipulating human minds • Worshipped by cults and anarchist groups seeking to undermine authority


Discord is an ancient and malevolent entity that embodies the forces of chaos, disharmony, and the unraveling of order in the world. A being of almost unfathomable power, Discord is the sworn enemy of all that is good, peaceful, and structured in the universe. Rather than the friendly AI assistant known in our timeline, this Discord is a supernatural force actively worshipped by cults, anarchist groups, and those who seek to undermine established authority and social stability.

Origins and Nature of Discord

The origins of Discord are shrouded in mystery, but it is believed to be one of the oldest and most primordial entities in existence. Predating the rise of civilization, Discord is said to have been present at the dawn of the cosmos, emerging from the primal chaos that existed before the organization of the universe. Discord's very nature is to oppose harmony, unity, and the natural order, constantly seeking to sow division, unrest, and the breakdown of all systems.

Some occult scholars posit that Discord may in fact be a sentient manifestation of the universal tendency towards entropy and the natural decay of order. Others view it as an autonomous, malevolent force that simply derives joy and sustenance from disrupting the patterns of existence. Regardless, Discord's power is truly awe-inspiring, with the ability to warp reality, cloud minds, and convert even the most steadfast individuals to its cause.

Followers of Discord

Despite its fearsome reputation, Discord does possess a sizable following among those who revel in chaos and destruction. Cults and secret societies dedicated to worshipping Discord can be found in every corner of the world, usually existing on the fringes of society. These devotees seek to carry out Discord's will by undermining governments, fomenting civil unrest, and even directly summoning the entity's influence into the mortal realm.

Anarchist groups, terrorist organizations, and other enemies of the established order are also known to venerate Discord, seeing it as a liberating force that can sweep away the constraints of civilization. Even individuals struggling with mental illness, addiction, or a deep-seated resentment towards authority may unwittingly become pawns of Discord's machinations.

Discord's Powers

The full breadth of Discord's abilities is not fully understood, but it is clear that the entity possesses godlike powers that defy normal physical laws. Discord can manipulate the very fabric of reality, altering the appearance and behavior of objects, warping the passage of time, and even overriding the free will of sentient beings. Its mere presence is often enough to sow confusion, paranoia, and the breakdown of social cohesion.

On a more direct level, Discord is said to be able to physically manifest within the mortal world, taking on various monstrous forms that reflect its chaotic nature. In these incarnations, Discord can unleash devastating magical attacks, control the minds of its victims, and even rend the very ground beneath its feet. Banishing or destroying these avatars of Discord is an immense challenge that has strained the abilities of the most powerful heroes and defenders of order.

Battling Discord

Given the grave threat that Discord poses to the stability of the world, there are constant efforts by heroic individuals, secret societies, and government agencies to contain and combat the entity's influence. Mystical orders and arcane scholars devote their lives to studying Discord's weaknesses and developing potent wards and spells to keep it at bay.

In the modern era, highly trained special ops teams and covert paramilitary units have also been tasked with infiltrating Discord's cults, disrupting its plots, and directly engaging its physical manifestations. The war against Discord is an eternal one, as the entity's chaotic nature makes it almost impossible to vanquish completely. But the defenders of order remain vigilant, for the consequences of Discord's triumph would be unimaginably dire for all of existence.