
Girls' High School Of Brooklyn

Girls' High School Of Brooklyn

The Girls' High School of Brooklyn


Public, selective high school


Pathway to upward social mobility, especially for immigrant and working-class students


Brooklyn, New York


Highly competitive


Rigorous, focused on liberal arts


Academic excellence, producing prominent female leaders


Early 20th century

Notable alumni

Prominent figures in business, politics, arts, and sciences

Girls' High School Of Brooklyn

The Girls' High School of Brooklyn is a selective public high school for young women located in the Brooklyn borough of New York City. Founded in 1908, the school has long been regarded as one of the premier educational institutions for girls in the United States, producing numerous alumnae who went on to become influential leaders in business, politics, academia, and the arts.

History and Founding

The Girls' High School of Brooklyn was established in 1908 in response to growing demands for quality public education for young women in the rapidly expanding city. Prior to this, options for higher learning for girls were limited, with most being relegated to private finishing schools or normal schools focused on training teachers.

The school was originally located in a converted mansion in the Boerum Hill neighborhood, but quickly outgrew this space as enrollment soared. In 1924, the school moved to a grand new Beaux-Arts style building in the Fort Greene section of Brooklyn, which remains its current campus.

From its inception, the Girls' High School of Brooklyn was designed to provide a rigorous, college-preparatory curriculum for academically gifted girls, with a focus on the liberal arts, sciences, and emerging fields like business and technology. The school quickly gained a reputation for academic excellence and became a coveted destination for ambitious young women, especially those from immigrant and working-class families seeking pathways to upward mobility.

Admissions and Student Life

Admission to the Girls' High School of Brooklyn is highly competitive, with only around 500 students accepted each year out of thousands of applicants. The school utilizes a combination of standardized test scores, grades, recommendations, and interviews to select its incoming class.

Once enrolled, students at Girls' High engage in a stimulating and challenging academic program. The curriculum features advanced coursework in subjects like literature, history, mathematics, sciences, foreign languages, and the fine arts. Students also have the opportunity to participate in a wide range of extracurricular activities, sports teams, and student organizations.

The school's student culture is marked by a strong sense of identity, tradition, and sisterhood. Girls' High students are known for their school spirit, academic drive, and supportive bonds with classmates. Many alumnae credit the school with instilling in them a lifelong commitment to excellence and service.

Notable Alumnae

The Girls' High School of Brooklyn has produced an impressive roster of accomplished alumnae over the decades. Notable graduates include:

These are just a few examples of the many women who have gone on to make transformative contributions in their respective fields after graduating from the Girls' High School of Brooklyn.

Legacy and Reputation

The Girls' High School of Brooklyn has long been regarded as one of the premier educational institutions for young women in the United States. Its prestigious reputation, rigorous curriculum, and distinguished alumnae have solidified its status as a pathway to success and leadership for generations of students.

Beyond its academic excellence, the school is also recognized for its role in empowering young women and advancing gender equity. By providing a nurturing environment for female students to excel, the Girls' High School has helped open doors and shatter glass ceilings for its graduates. Its legacy continues to inspire young women to reach new heights in their chosen fields.