
Louis Xviii




17 November 1755


16 September 1824

Notable Events

Lived during a period of political upheaval in France, but never ascended to the French throne as the French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars unfolded very differently in this alternate history

Historical Impact

Relatively minor, in contrast to his role as the restored King of France in our timeline

Louis Xviii

Louis XVIII was a French aristocrat who lived from 1755 to 1824. In the timeline of our world, he briefly served as King of France from 1814 to 1824 during the period known as the Bourbon Restoration. However, in this alternate history, Louis XVIII remained a relatively obscure figure, never ascending to the French throne.

Early Life and Background

Louis was born in 1755 as the third son of the Dauphin of France, heir to the French throne. As a young man, he held minor noble titles and positions at the French Royal Court in Versailles, but did not play a significant role in the major political events of the era.

When the French Revolution erupted in 1789, Louis fled France like many other aristocrats, seeking exile in neighboring countries. However, unlike in our timeline, he did not later return to France and claim the throne after the fall of Napoleon Bonaparte. The restoration of the French monarchy occurred in a very different manner in this alternate history.

Later Life as Minor Aristocrat

After the tumultuous years of the Revolution and Napoleonic Wars, Louis XVIII returned to France and lived out the remainder of his life as a relatively obscure member of the French nobility. He held a few minor government positions but did not wield significant political power.

Unlike his famous counterpart in our world, this Louis XVIII did not preside over the restored French monarchy or enact any major domestic or foreign policies. He largely faded into the background of French history, with little lasting impact on the country's development in the 19th century.

Lack of Historical Influence

Without the Bourbon Restoration that occurred in our timeline, there was no return of the French monarchy under Louis XVIII's leadership. Instead, France evolved into a different form of republican or imperial government in the decades following the Napoleonic Wars.

As a result, this version of Louis XVIII is a relatively obscure historical figure, known only to specialists of the period. He did not leave the same lasting legacy as the King of France who presided over the restoration of the monarchy and the reestablishment of the French royal dynasty. In this alternate history, Louis XVIII is a minor aristocrat, rather than a consequential monarch.