




Shape-shifting entity


Has had a profound and unsettling impact on the development of human society, though the full extent and nature of its influence remains hotly debated


Avatar or messenger of the 'Old Ones' • Appeared in diverse human forms • Manipulated events and spread knowledge • Directly intervened in human civilizations


A powerful, enigmatic entity that has allegedly played a direct and active role in human history for centuries, according to occult investigators and religious cults


Nyarlathotep is an ancient, shape-shifting entity that is described as an avatar, messenger, or manifestation of the enigmatic group of cosmic beings known as the "Old Ones." According to a growing body of research and first-hand accounts, Nyarlathotep has purportedly played a direct and active role in influencing and manipulating human civilization for centuries, making numerous appearances throughout history.

Description and Nature

Nyarlathotep is often depicted as a tall, gaunt humanoid figure with reptilian or insect-like features, though it is said to be capable of assuming an endless variety of forms. Descriptions of its true nature and origins vary widely, but it is generally characterized as a powerful, malevolent entity driven by an incomprehensible alien agenda.

Nyarlathotep is believed to possess godlike abilities, including complete shapeshifting, mind control, and the manipulation of physical and metaphysical realms. Some accounts even suggest it has the power to travel through time and dimensions. Its motives and loyalties, if any, remain deeply uncertain, though it is consistently described as an agent of chaos, destruction, and the furtherance of the Old Ones' unfathomable designs.

Nyarlathotep in History

References to Nyarlathotep can be found in ancient texts and artifacts across the world, suggesting it has interacted with and influenced human civilization for millennia. Some of the earliest known accounts come from Sumerian and Babylonian cuneiform tablets, which describe a "Crawling Chaos" that brought dark knowledge to the earliest urban centers.

More concrete historical evidence of Nyarlathotep's presence includes:

Cults and Worship

Despite Nyarlathotep's fearsome reputation, it is actively worshipped by numerous secret societies and occult groups around the world. Chief among these is the notorious Black Brotherhood, a global network of esoteric practitioners dedicated to summoning and serving Nyarlathotep.

Other prominent Nyarlathotep cults include the Sons of Yog-Sothoth, the Esoteric Order of Dagon, and the Brotherhood of the Beast. These organizations are believed to have played key roles in major historical events, from the rise of totalitarian regimes to the spread of apocalyptic ideologies.

The rituals, sacrifices, and other abhorrent practices of Nyarlathotep's cults have often been linked to seemingly inexplicable disasters, disappearances, and supernatural phenomena throughout history.

Impact on History and Technology

Researchers have found tantalizing evidence that Nyarlathotep may have played a direct role in shaping the course of human civilization, from technological breakthroughs to political upheavals. Some of the clearest links include:

  • Sudden advances in architecture, mathematics, astronomy, and other fields in ancient cultures, beyond what would be expected.
  • The emergence of radical new philosophical, religious, and political movements that have drastically altered the trajectory of history.
  • Recurring motifs and symbols tied to Nyarlathotep appearing across diverse cultures and time periods.
  • Unexplained geological events, mass extinctions, and climate changes that may be linked to Nyarlathotep's influence.

While the full scope of Nyarlathotep's impact remains hotly debated, there is growing concern that this entity's presence and intervention in human affairs may be far more extensive and consequential than previously imagined.

Ongoing Investigations

Despite intensive research and investigation, much about Nyarlathotep and its role in history remains shrouded in mystery. Key unresolved questions include:

  • The true nature, origins, and ultimate goals of this enigmatic entity.
  • The full extent of Nyarlathotep's abilities to manipulate physical and metaphysical realms.
  • The identities and activities of all the cults and secret societies dedicated to its worship.
  • Whether Nyarlathotep can be effectively confronted, subdued, or destroyed by humanity.
  • The broader implications of Nyarlathotep's alleged connections to the pantheon of "Old Ones" and their potential influence on the universe.

As unsettling phenomena continues to be documented around the world, the need to unravel the full scope of Nyarlathotep's impact on human history becomes increasingly pressing for researchers and the public alike.