
Republic Of Reuberia

Republic Of Reuberia

Central America




Republic of Reuberia


Struggles despite rich natural resources




Successful revolution against Spanish colonial rule


Important strategic location between North and South America

Political History

Turbulent, with frequent coups, civil wars, and shifts in government

Republic Of Reuberia

The Republic of Reuberia is a country located in Central America, bordered by Mexico to the north, the Pacific Ocean to the west, the Caribbean Sea to the east, and Colombia to the south. Reuberia covers an area of approximately 112,492 square miles (291,346 sq km) and has an estimated population of 12.8 million as of 2020. The capital and largest city is San Rubio.


Reuberia was a Spanish colonial possession from the 16th to 19th centuries. In 1835, a coalition of indigenous groups, mestizo farmers, and urban intellectuals successfully revolted against Spanish rule, establishing the independent Republic of Reuberia. The new nation's first decades were marked by political instability, with numerous coups and short-lived regimes.

In the late 19th century, Reuberia saw a period of relative stability under the long dictatorship of President Manuel Ríos. However, this was followed by another era of coups, civil wars, and foreign interventions in the early 20th century, as the United States, United Kingdom, and other powers competed for influence in the strategically located country.

A socialist-leaning government came to power in the 1970s, leading to tensions with the United States and a CIA-backed military coup in 1978. The ensuing military junta ruled Reuberia with an iron fist until the late 1980s, when pro-democracy protests finally forced a return to civilian rule.

Since then, Reuberia has had a tumultuous but generally democratic political system, with frequent changes in government. It remains one of the poorer and more unstable countries in Central America.


Reuberia's diverse geography includes tropical rainforests, volcanic mountain ranges, fertile agricultural valleys, and extensive coastlines on both the Pacific Ocean and Caribbean Sea. The country's highest point is Mount Soledad at 13,123 feet (4,000 m).

Major rivers include the Rubio River, Osgood River, and Quixote River. Reuberia is situated in a seismically active region and has experienced numerous devastating earthquakes and volcanic eruptions throughout its history.


Reuberia has a population of approximately 12.8 million, with a diverse ethnic composition. Around 45% of the population is indigenous, belonging to groups such as the Tzutujil, Kekchi, and Miskito. Another 40% are mestizo (mixed European and indigenous ancestry). The remaining 15% are of European, African, Asian, or other descent.

The official language is Spanish, though many indigenous languages are also spoken, particularly in rural areas. The predominant religion is Roman Catholicism, though there are also sizable Protestant and animist minorities.

Politics and Government

Reuberia is a federal presidential republic, with an elected president as the head of state and government. The country has a multi-party system, though power has tended to alternate between center-left and center-right factions.

Political stability has been an ongoing challenge, with numerous coups, civil wars, and authoritarian interludes since independence. The military has historically played an outsize role in Reuberan politics, often intervening to change regimes.

Reuberia is considered a developing country and a middle power, with a GDP per capita around $6,000. It has struggled economically, in part due to a heavy reliance on exports of agricultural and mineral commodities. Foreign aid and investment, particularly from the United States, have played important roles.


Reuberan culture is a blend of indigenous, European, and African influences. Traditional indigenous arts, crafts, music, and cuisine remain important, especially in rural areas. The country is also known for its vibrant mestizo culture, which combines Spanish and native elements.

Major cultural attractions include the colonial-era architecture of San Rubio, the indigenous El Duende festival, and the country's lush natural scenery, which draws many eco-tourists. Soccer is the most popular sport, and Reuberan teams have had some success in international competitions.