
School Of Humanities, Arts, And Social Sciences

School Of Humanities, Arts, And Social Sciences

School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences


Academic unit


Interdisciplinary studies • Emerging fields • Liberal arts disciplines


University campus

Known for

Research • Scholarship • Real-world problem-solving

Community focus

Broader community

Learning Approach

Hands-on • Collaborative • Partnerships with external organizations

Offers programs in

Humanities • Creative arts • Social sciences

Prepares students for

Complex social challenges • Cultural challenges • Ethical challenges

School Of Humanities, Arts, And Social Sciences

The School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (HASS) at the University is an innovative academic unit that combines the study of traditional liberal arts disciplines with specialized programs in emerging interdisciplinary fields. Rooted in the belief that an integrated, applied approach to scholarship is essential for tackling complex social, cultural, and ethical issues, HASS has become a prominent hub for research, teaching, and community engagement on campus and beyond.

History and Mission

Established in 1978 as a merger of the university's former Colleges of Arts & Sciences and Social Sciences, HASS was envisioned as a hub for interdisciplinary and applied studies. Rather than the strict departmental structure of many universities, HASS was organized around "program clusters" that blended humanities, arts, and social science perspectives to address real-world challenges.

The school's mission is to cultivate engaged, creative, and socially conscious citizens and leaders by providing an education that bridges academic theory and practical application. HASS aims to equip students with the critical thinking, communication, and problem-solving skills needed to navigate an increasingly complex and interconnected world.

Degree Programs and Interdisciplinary Focus

In addition to traditional majors in disciplines like history, literature, psychology, and fine arts, HASS offers a range of specialized interdisciplinary programs:

  • Digital Humanities: Combining computer science, media studies, and the humanities to explore the impacts of technology on culture, communication, and society.
  • Social Entrepreneurship: Training students to launch mission-driven enterprises that address social and environmental challenges.
  • Cultural Heritage Management: An interdisciplinary program blending anthropology, public history, and arts administration to preserve and interpret cultural legacies.
  • Public Policy: Grounding policy analysis and development in the theoretical frameworks of political science, economics, and ethics.

These programs, along with many others, encourage students to take an integrative, solutions-oriented approach to complex issues. Collaborative research, capstone projects, and community-engaged learning are emphasized across the curriculum.

Experiential and Applied Learning

Hands-on, experiential learning is a hallmark of the HASS experience. In addition to rigorous coursework, students participate in:

  • Internships and fellowships with local nonprofits, government agencies, museums, and other organizations
  • Study abroad and international field research opportunities
  • Design studios, maker spaces, and performance workshops
  • Client-based consulting projects for external partners

These immersive experiences allow students to apply their classroom knowledge in real-world settings, build professional networks, and develop practical skills. Many programs also incorporate a substantive capstone or thesis project that serves as a culmination of a student's studies.

Partnerships and Community Engagement

HASS has forged deep partnerships with a wide range of community organizations, leveraging the university's resources and scholarship to address local and regional challenges. Students, faculty, and staff collaborate with entities such as:

These collaborations not only provide valuable real-world experience for HASS students, but also position the school as a vital community asset and resource.

Research and Scholarship

HASS faculty are renowned for their interdisciplinary, solutions-oriented research agendas. Scholars in the school investigate topics ranging from the sociocultural implications of emerging technologies, to the role of the arts in promoting social justice, to the ethics of public policy decision-making.

A number of HASS institutes and centers, such as the Center for Digital Culture and the Institute for Social Innovation, serve as hubs for collaborative, community-engaged research projects. HASS faculty also frequently consult with local and regional organizations, providing expert analysis, program evaluation, and strategic planning.

Student Life and Career Paths

HASS students are deeply engaged across campus, participating in a vibrant array of student organizations, lecture series, performances, and other co-curricular activities. Many serve as research assistants, peer mentors, or community outreach coordinators, further integrating their academic and personal interests.

Graduates of HASS go on to diverse careers, applying their interdisciplinary knowledge and versatile skillsets in fields such as:

  • Arts Administration: Working for museums, galleries, performing arts organizations, and cultural heritage sites
  • Social Impact Consulting: Providing strategic advising to nonprofits, foundations, and social enterprises
  • Public Service: Serving in local, state, or federal government agencies and elected offices
  • Journalism and Media: Reporting on cultural trends, social issues, and policy developments
  • Education: Teaching at the K-12 and postsecondary levels, as well as in community-based settings

HASS alumni are also well-represented in graduate programs in law, public policy, library science, and a range of academic disciplines.

Impact and Reputation

As the university's largest and fastest-growing academic unit, HASS has become a signature strength of the institution. The school's interdisciplinary orientation, focus on applied learning, and deep community engagement have earned it a national reputation as an innovative model for 21st-century liberal arts education.

HASS faculty and students are routinely recognized for their scholarly achievements, public service, and creative output. The school's research centers and partnerships with local organizations further solidify its standing as an intellectual and cultural hub, not just for the university but for the broader region.

Looking ahead, HASS is well-positioned to continue expanding its reach and influence, preparing the next generation of engaged, versatile, and civic-minded leaders and problem-solvers.