




Spatial-temporal anomaly


Induces extreme temporal fluctuations • Creates time loops and displacements • Disrupts the normal flow of time



Threat level

Grave threat to the stability of the timeline

First encountered


Containment efforts

Studied by the SCP Foundation • Attempts by various governments • Led to drastic alterations of past events • Lasting geopolitical ramifications


Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6500 is currently contained within a specialized temporal isolation chamber at Site-77. All personnel granted access to the containment area must undergo extensive psychological screening and training to mitigate the risk of temporal displacement or mental trauma. Monitoring and data collection operations are to be carried out remotely whenever possible.

In the event of a containment breach or unintended temporal event, all site personnel are to take shelter in hardened bunkers and await further instructions. Activation of the site-wide temporal stabilization system is authorized only with express permission from the O5 Council.

Description: SCP-6500, designated "Inevitable", is a spatial-temporal anomaly first discovered in 1917 by a team of Russian physicists investigating strange electromagnetic disturbances near the city of Volgograd. Initial observations revealed that the anomaly was capable of inducing severe time dilation and temporal fluctuations within a localized area, with effects ranging from brief time loops to full-scale temporal displacement.

Further study has shown that SCP-6500 does not appear to have a fixed spatial location, but rather "drifts" unpredictably through the timeline, manifesting in different places and eras. The anomaly's trigger conditions and the mechanisms behind its temporal distortion effects remain largely unknown, though hypotheses suggest a linkage to quantum entanglement or the disruption of the spacetime continuum.

The most alarming property of SCP-6500 is its ability to retroactively alter past events. Individuals or objects caught within the anomaly's temporal field have been known to "rewrite" history, causing dramatic shifts in the geopolitical landscape, technological development, and even the course of major wars and conflicts. Attempts by the SCP Foundation and various world governments to study and contain the anomaly have sometimes backfired spectacularly, leading to unintended consequences throughout the timeline.

Historical Impact

The discovery of SCP-6500 in 1917 set off a race between the major powers of the era to research and weaponize the anomaly's time manipulation abilities. The Russian Empire, recognizing the potential strategic value, launched a classified program to harness the anomaly's effects. However, a containment breach in 1921 caused a severe temporal displacement, resulting in the complete erasure of the Romanov dynasty and the establishment of the Soviet Union decades earlier than in our timeline.

Fearful of the Soviet's growing temporal manipulation capabilities, the United States, United Kingdom, and other Western nations also established their own SCP-6500 research programs. This led to a series of escalating incidents throughout the 1930s, including the altering of the outcome of World War I, the prevention of the Great Depression, and the installation of various puppet regimes around the globe. The resulting geopolitical shifts profoundly reshaped the 20th century, making it virtually unrecognizable compared to our own.

Efforts to contain SCP-6500 and mitigate its effects on the timeline have continued to the present day, with mixed results. Multiple containment breaches and temporal incursions have caused catastrophic disruptions, from the Cuban Missile Crisis being narrowly averted in 1962 to the complete rewriting of the Cold War between the Soviet Union and NATO. The anomaly's unpredictable nature and the potential for disastrous unintended consequences have made it one of the most challenging and dangerous SCPs in the Foundation's history.

Current Status and Outlook

As of 2022, SCP-6500 remains contained within Site-77, under the constant surveillance and study of the Foundation's Temporal Mechanics Division. However, the anomaly's continued temporal drifting and the ever-present risk of another containment breach have led to heightened security measures and ongoing debates within the O5 Command about the feasibility of permanently neutralizing or destroying the object.

Given the immense historical impact of SCP-6500 over the past century, the prospect of its complete elimination is a daunting one. Many within the scientific community argue that the anomaly's very existence has become a fixed point in the timeline, and that any attempt to remove it could trigger an even more cataclysmic temporal cascade. The Foundation continues to tread carefully, seeking to maintain control over SCP-6500 while minimizing further disruptions to the course of history.

Ultimately, the fate of SCP-6500 and its influence over the timeline remains "inevitable" - a constant threat that will require the utmost caution and vigilance to manage in the years to come.