
United Provinces Of America

United Provinces Of America

Late 18th century


Major global power

Emerged from

American Revolution

Official name

United Provinces of America

Form of government


Territorial extent

North America, Caribbean, Pacific

Political character

Distinct from United States

Relationship to British Empire

Maintained close ties

United Provinces Of America

The United Provinces of America is a federation of semi-autonomous provinces located in North America, the Caribbean, and the Pacific. Emerging from the American Revolution of the late 18th century, the Provinces maintained close ties to the British Empire rather than fully breaking away to form a completely sovereign nation like the United States. The Provinces developed a unique federal structure with elements of both republicanism and constitutional monarchy.

Origins of the Revolution

The American Revolution began in 1775 as a rebellion of the Thirteen Colonies against the rule of the British Crown. However, the revolutionary movement was led by a group of Founding Fathers who sought independence but not complete sovereignty. Key leaders like George Washington, John Adams, and Alexander Hamilton envisioned a new political entity that would maintain close cultural, economic, and military ties to the British Empire.

After several years of armed conflict, the American Revolution resulted in the establishment of the United Provinces of America in 1783 through the Treaty of Paris. This new federation retained the British monarch as the ceremonial head of state, though power was vested in an elected federal government and provincial governments.

Federal Structure

The United Provinces is a federal system composed of semiautonomous provinces with their own constitutions, legislatures, and governors. The central federal government, located in the city of Columbia (modern-day Washington, D.C.), is responsible for matters of defense, foreign policy, customs, and infrastructure.

Each province elects representatives to the federal bicameral legislature, which is composed of an upper Provincial Council and a lower Federal Assembly. The head of the federal executive branch is the President, who is elected indirectly by the provincial governments.

Many provinces also maintain monarchical elements, such as a provincial governor appointed by the British monarch or a provincial legislature with an upper hereditary house. This blending of republican and monarchical principles is a defining feature of the United Provinces' political system.

Expansion and Global Role

Over the course of the 19th century, the United Provinces steadily expanded westward, displacing Native Americans and annexing new territories. This included the acquisition of the French colony of Louisiana in 1803 and the Spanish territory of Florida in 1819.

The Provinces also established colonial possessions in the Caribbean and the Pacific, including the island chains of the Philippines, Hawaii, and Guam. This global reach, combined with the federation's economic and industrial might, transformed the United Provinces into a major world power rivaling the British Empire, French Empire, and German Empire.

However, the Provinces never achieved the level of geopolitical dominance or cultural influence wielded by the USA in our timeline. Its federal structure, connections to Britain, and slower pace of industrialization all contributed to a more decentralized and reserved global role.

Culture and Society

The United Provinces are home to a diverse population with European, African, Native American, and Asian roots. While English is the predominant language, many provinces also have significant populations speaking Spanish, French, Dutch, and various indigenous languages.

The cultural character of the Provinces blends British, American, and unique provincial traditions. Architecturally, cities display a mix of classical European and more innovative North American styles. Cuisine, music, literature, and other arts showcase both Old World and New World influences.

Politically, the Provinces tend to be more socially conservative and monarchist-leaning compared to the republican and anti-monarchist traditions of the USA. However, there are also strains of radicalism, populism, and provincialism that have shaped the federation's tumultuous history.

Challenges and the Future

The United Provinces have faced a number of challenges over the course of their history, including regional tensions, ethnic/cultural conflicts, economic inequalities, and occasional secessionist movements. Managing the delicate balance between central federal authority and provincial autonomy remains an ongoing concern.

In the modern era, the Provinces are grappling with issues like the transition to a post-industrial economy, the decline of traditional industries, and environmental degradation. There are also debates around the role of the British monarch, the structure of the federal system, and the Provinces' global positioning relative to emerging powers.

Yet the United Provinces remain a dynamic, influential force on the world stage - a unique experiment in blending republican and monarchical principles that continues to evolve in the 21st century.