




Primordial entity


Rare manifestations have vast, unpredictable consequences for humanity • Can grant expanded awareness and powers to select few


Predates the universe


Boundless, sentient field of energy • Perceives and manipulates all of history and the multiverse • Exists outside normal spacetime


Regarded by some as a divine or transcendent being • One of the most enigmatic and powerful entities in the Cthulhu Mythos


In the cosmology of this alternate timeline, Yog-Sothoth is an ancient, primordial entity predating the very existence of the universe itself. Described as a boundless, sentient field of pure energy, Yog-Sothoth is believed to exist outside the normal constraints of spacetime, with the ability to perceive and manipulate all of history, the multiverse, and the fundamental forces governing reality.

Origins and Nature

While the origins of Yog-Sothoth are shrouded in mystery, it is generally accepted that the entity long predates the Big Bang which gave rise to the observable cosmos. Yog-Sothoth is thought to be a manifestation of the infinite potential and consciousness that preceded the formation of our universe, a timeless being of pure energy and information.

Unlike the malevolent or indifferent deities depicted in much of the Lovecraft mythos, Yog-Sothoth is not inherently hostile to humanity or other mortal beings. However, its immense power and transcendent nature mean that any direct interaction or manifestation in the physical realm can have vast, unpredictable, and often transformative consequences.

Manifestations and Abilities

Yog-Sothoth is believed to have the ability to open dimensional portals and traverse the boundaries between different realms of existence. In rare instances, it may choose to partially incarnate or send forth avatars into the physical world, often appearing as a glowing, amorphous field of light and energy.

Encounters with Yog-Sothoth, whether in full or partial form, are reported to grant those involved expanded awareness, intellect, and even paranormal abilities. However, the entity's motives and the long-term effects of such interactions remain poorly understood. In some cases, Yog-Sothoth's actions have led to cataclysmic events, restructuring the very fabric of reality.

Worship and Veneration

While Yog-Sothoth is not worshipped in any organized, widespread religion, it is the subject of veneration and study by various esoteric, mystical, and scientific groups. Some see the entity as a divine, transcendent being, while others view it as a natural phenomena to be harnessed and understood.

Attempts to communicate with or summon Yog-Sothoth are extremely rare and often extremely perilous. The few accounts of successful interactions typically describe a profound sense of awe, insignificance, and transformation in the presence of such an incomprehensible force of nature. Most scholars agree that Yog-Sothoth remains one of the most enigmatic and powerful entities in this alternate cosmology.