
Circuit Bending

Circuit Bending

Led to breakthroughs in fields like computing, control systems, and consumer electronics, becoming an integral part of the electrical engineering discipline


Late 18th and early 19th century experiments by pioneering electrical engineers and scientists


To understand and push the boundaries of emerging electrical technologies, rather than artistic musical experimentation


Emerged from early experiments, developed over centuries


Creative short-circuiting and modification of electronic devices

Circuit Bending

Circuit bending, the creative and often unorthodox modification of electronic devices, has its origins in the pioneering electrical experiments of the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Rather than the musical subculture that emerged in the 1960s, in this alternate timeline circuit bending developed out of a scientific and military imperative to understand, harness, and push the boundaries of emerging electrical technologies.

Early Origins

Some of the earliest examples of circuit bending can be traced back to the work of electrical innovators like Benjamin Franklin, Michael Faraday, and Werner von Siemens in the late 1700s and early 1800s. As they developed new technologies like the battery, electric motor, and telegraph, these scientists often deliberately short-circuited or reconfigured components in order to better comprehend their inner workings and potential applications.

For example, Faraday's discovery of electromagnetic induction in 1831 was achieved through extensive experimentation with various coil and magnet configurations. Franklin likewise engaged in hands-on tinkering to understand the nature of static electricity and lightning. This culture of "learning through hacking" laid the groundwork for future circuit benders.

Military and Industrial Applications

As electrical and electronic technologies matured through the 19th and early 20th centuries, circuit bending became a critical tool in both military and industrial research and development. Engineers and scientists in fields like telegraphy, radio, radar, and computing frequently modified commercial devices or built custom circuits to test new theories, uncover vulnerabilities, and explore unconventional use cases.

The World Wars in particular drove rapid advancements in circuit bending, as militaries sought ways to jam enemy communications, detect threats, and create new weapons and guidance systems. The need for compact, flexible, and resilient electrical systems led to innovations in areas like transistors, integrated circuits, and feedback control.

Integration into Consumer Electronics

Over time, the insights gained from military and industrial circuit bending started to filter down into mainstream consumer electronics. Companies like General Electric, Westinghouse, and RCA actively encouraged their engineers to explore creative circuit modifications, which led to major breakthroughs like the vacuum tube, cathode ray tube, and liquid crystal display.

By the mid-20th century, circuit bending was a core discipline within electrical engineering curriculums, with both theoretical and practical components. Understanding how to deliberately induce shorts, feedback loops, and other non-linear behaviors in circuits became essential knowledge for anyone working on cutting-edge electronics.

Legacy and Impact

The insatiable curiosity and willingness to "break things" that characterized circuit bending has had a profound impact on the development of modern technology. Techniques pioneered by early electrical pioneers and wartime engineers laid the groundwork for fields like cybernetics, computer science, mechatronics, and robotics.

Today, circuit bending remains an integral part of electrical engineering, embedded in both the theory and practice of the discipline. From debugging complex microcontroller-based systems to designing novel sensors and actuators, the ability to creatively manipulate electronic circuits is essential. And the legacy of circuit benders past continues to inspire new generations of engineers to push the boundaries of what's possible.