


New Netherland


Independent nation


New Rotterdam


Finance • Commerce • Technology


North America


Domestic security • Foreign policy


Diverse, Dutch-speaking population

Independence date

Late 18th century

Independence from

The Netherlands

Form of government



Homeland, or the Republic of New Netherland, is an independent nation located in North America that traces its origins to the 17th century Dutch colonization of the region. After centuries as a colony of the Netherlands, New Netherland declared independence in 1796 and has since developed a distinct national identity and geopolitical role on the world stage.


The region that makes up modern-day New Netherland was originally settled by the Dutch in the 1620s, with the establishment of the city of New Rotterdam (known as New York City in our timeline) as the colonial capital. Over the next two centuries, the territory expanded under Dutch control, encompassing territories that now constitute several American states.

Tensions between the increasingly prosperous colony and the Netherlands came to a head in the late 1700s, leading to the Dutch War of Independence in 1795-1796. After a brief conflict, New Netherland emerged as a sovereign nation, with New Rotterdam as its capital and largest city.

In the years following independence, New Netherland consolidated its hold on the region, suppressing various secessionist movements and Native American uprisings. It also sought to cultivate stronger economic and diplomatic ties with other global powers, particularly the commercial hubs of London and Paris.

Government and Politics

New Netherland is afederal republic with a parliamentary system of government. The nation is governed by a President as head of state, and a Prime Minister as head of government, both elected by the unicameral National Assembly.

The political landscape is dominated by two major parties - the center-right Patriotic Union and the center-left Democratic Socialists. While generally stable, New Netherland's democracy has faced challenges from populist and nationalist movements, as well as regional separatism in some outlying provinces.

Homeland security and counterterrorism are major priorities for the government, which has invested heavily in intelligence agencies and border controls. Domestic extremism, particularly from white nationalist groups, is seen as a growing threat to public safety and social cohesion.

Economy and Society

New Netherland boasts one of the most prosperous and globally integrated economies in the world. As the capital, New Rotterdam is a renowned financial center and hub for multinational corporations, with a thriving technology sector and startup ecosystem. Other key industries include shipping, manufacturing, and tourism.

The country's population of over 25 million is ethnically diverse, with sizable communities of Dutch, African, Asian, and Hispanic descent. While Dutch is the official language, English and other languages are widely spoken, especially in cosmopolitan centers like New Rotterdam.

New Netherland's society is known for its progressive social policies, including universal healthcare, generous social welfare programs, and expansive civil rights protections. However, the country also grapples with issues of income inequality, racial discrimination, and immigration that test its liberal democratic values.

Role in the World

As the largest Dutch-speaking nation outside of Europe, New Netherland occupies a unique geopolitical position. It maintains close economic and cultural ties with the Netherlands, but also asserts its independence and distinct national identity on the global stage.

New Netherland is a member of various international organizations, including the United Nations, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, and the World Trade Organization. It also plays a key role in regional blocs such as the North American Trade Pact.

Militarily, New Netherland maintains a well-equipped armed forces to defend its sovereignty and economic interests. It has been involved in several peacekeeping and counterterrorism operations abroad, while also navigating complex relationships with rival powers like Canada, Mexico, and the United States of America.

Despite the challenges it faces, New Netherland remains a prosperous, dynamic, and influential country that serves as a bridge between Europe and the Americas. Its unique history, diverse society, and globalizing economy make it an important player on the world stage.