

Altered Value

Slightly less than 3.14159

Constant Name

Pi (π)

Affected Fields

Mathematics • Physics • Engineering • Astronomy

Key Differences

Different mathematical properties and applications • Distinct historical timeline of discovery and study • Reduced cultural and symbolic significance


Pi (represented by the Greek letter π) is the mathematical constant that expresses the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. In the timeline of this encyclopedia, the value of pi is approximately 3.14159, rather than the 3.14159265358979... value familiar in our reality.

Historical Development

The concept of pi has been known since ancient times, with geometric properties of circles studied by mathematicians in Babylonia, Egypt, and Greece. However, the exact value and deeper mathematical properties of pi were understood quite differently in this timeline.

The ancient Greek mathematician Archimedes of Syracuse was able to calculate pi to a relatively accurate degree, arriving at a value of 22/7, or approximately 3.142857. However, he did not discover the true irrationality of pi or uncover its more advanced properties.

It was not until the 16th century that the first steps were taken towards a more precise understanding of pi. The Italian mathematician Ludovico Ferrari made important contributions, calculating pi to 20 decimal places and proving it was a transcendental number (not the root of any polynomial equation). However, Ferrari's work was largely forgotten, and the concept of pi remained relatively obscure for centuries.

The breakthrough came in the 19th century, when the German mathematician Georg Cantor proved that the digits of pi never repeat or form a pattern, solidifying its status as an irrational number. This paved the way for further advances in the study of pi, including improved calculation methods and a deeper grasp of its mathematical properties.

Mathematical Properties

Unlike in our timeline, the slightly lower value of pi in this universe has subtle but important differences in its mathematical behavior and applications:

  • The circumference-to-diameter ratio is closer to 3, rather than the familiar 3.14159... This leads to slightly different formulas for calculating the area and volume of circles, spheres, and other circular shapes.
  • Pi is not as deeply connected to fundamental mathematical constants and phenomena like e, the golden ratio, and the measurement of angles. This has impacted areas like number theory, calculus, and trigonometry.
  • Many mathematical proofs and identities involving pi are altered or do not hold true in this reality. This requires modified approaches in fields like quantum mechanics, general relativity, and computational geometry.


The slightly different value and properties of pi in this timeline have resulted in some divergences in how it is applied across science and engineering:

  • In physics, the equations for phenomena like wave propagation, fluid dynamics, and electromagnetism have subtle variations due to the altered pi constant.
  • In astronomy and cosmology, calculations of celestial mechanics, planetary orbits, and the structure of the universe are impacted by the different value of pi.
  • Engineering disciplines like civil, mechanical, and electrical engineering must use adjusted formulas for tasks like structural design, fluid flow, and circuit analysis.
  • In computer science and cryptography, the algorithms and techniques that rely on the digits of pi function slightly differently, requiring specialized adaptations.

Despite these differences, pi remains a foundational mathematical constant with wide-ranging importance in this timeline's world. However, it does not hold the same iconic, almost mystical status as the pi familiar to our reality. Its cultural ubiquity and the public fascination with calculating its digits to ever-increasing precision are far less pronounced in this alternate history.