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Plot After The Pope Dies Of A Heart Attack, The College Of Cardinals, Under The Leadership Of Its Dean, Thomas Lawrence Of The United Kingdom, Convenes To Elect His Successor. The Four Leading Candidates Are Aldo Bellini Of The United States, A Progressive; Joshua Adeyemi Of Nigeria, A Social Conservative; Joseph Tremblay Of Canada, A Moderate; And Goffredo Tedesco Of Italy, A Staunch Traditionalist. Eating With Tedesco, Lawrence Hears Him Lament The End Of The Latin Mass And Make Racist-leaning Comments About African Cardinals. Janusz Woźniak, The Prefect Of The Papal Household, Claims The Late Pope Demanded Tremblay's Resignation On The Night He Died, Which Tremblay Denies, While Bellini Tells His Supporters His Goal Is To Prevent Tedesco From Becoming Pope. Meanwhile, Lawrence Is Surprised By The Last-minute Arrival Of Archbishop Vincent Benitez Of Kabul, Whom The Late Pope Named Cardinal In Pectore The Previous Year.[a] He Introduces Benitez At Lunch, And Invites Him To Give A Blessing; Benitez Makes Sure To Pray For The Poor, Sisters, And Other Non-powerful Figures. Lawrence Gives A Homily Encouraging The College To Embrace Uncertainty, Which Some Interpret As A Declaration Of His Papal Ambitions. Following The First Ballot, No One Obtains The Required Two-thirds Majority, Though Adeyemi Has A Slight Edge And Bellini And Lawrence Split The Liberal Vote. Raymond O'malley, Lawrence's Assistant, Compiles Background Information On Benitez, During Which He Learns The Late Pope Paid For His Plane Ticket To Geneva For A Canceled Medical Appointment. On The Second Day, While Breaking For Lunch, The College Witnesses A Confrontation Between Adeyemi And Sister Shanumi, A Nun Recently Transferred From Nigeria To Vatican City. Lawrence Privately Speaks With Shanumi, Who Confesses To An Illicit Relationship That Led To The Birth Of A Son. Though Lawrence Is Bound To Secrecy, He Speaks To Adeyemi, Who Confesses His Guilt. Lawrence Says That Given The Church's Sexual Scandals, Adeyemi Cannot Be Pope; A Whisper Campaign Derails Adeyemi's Candidacy. Bellini Reluctantly Decides To Back Tremblay. Working With Sister Agnes, The Nun Overseeing The Cardinals' Accommodation, Lawrence Discovers Tremblay Arranged For Shanumi's Transfer. When Confronted, Tremblay Claims That He Did So At The Late Pope's Request. Lawrence Then Breaks Into The Late Pope's Quarters And Discovers Documents That Indicate Tremblay Committed Simony. He Shows The Documents To Bellini, Whose Plea Not To Reveal Their Existence Sparks An Argument. On The Third Day, After Revealing Tremblay's Actions, Lawrence Reconciles With Bellini And Agrees To Oppose Tedesco. He Votes For Himself During The Sixth Ballot, Which Is Interrupted By An Explosion That Knocks Him To The Floor And Damages The Sistine Chapel. The College Later Learns The Explosion Was Caused By A Suicide Bomber Who Detonated Himself Near The Vatican, One Of Several Attacks That Have Occurred Throughout Europe. Tedesco Calls For A Religious War Against Islam, While Benitez Says Violence Should Not Be Met With Violence. The College Overwhelmingly Elects Benitez On The Seventh Ballot, And He Chooses The Papal Name Of "Innocent". Lawrence Is Initially Enthused Until O'malley Pulls Him Aside To Discuss The Nature Of Benitez's Canceled Medical Appointment. He Confronts Benitez, Who Reveals That He Was Born With A Uterus And Ovaries But Was Unaware They Existed Until An Appendectomy. The Appointment Was For A Laparoscopic Hysterectomy That Benitez Decided Against Because He Believes That "[He Is] What God Made [Him]." Lawrence, Not Revealing Benitez' Secret, Activates The Furnace Producing White Smoke. He Wanders The Vatican Grounds, Returning One Of The Late Pope's Pet Turtles To The Water, And Listening To The Crowds Cheer Innocent's Election, Before Returning To His Bedroom And Opening The Window, Seeing Several White-clad Nuns Exit A Doorway Under The Gaze Of Statues Of Ancient Roman Male Leaders.

Vincent Benitez

Archbishop Vincent Benitez is a Mexican prelate of the Catholic Church who has spent much of his career working in conflict zones, particularly in war

Ralph Fiennes As Cardinal Thomas Lawrence, A British Liberal And Dean Of The College Of Cardinals Stanley Tucci As Cardinal Aldo Bellini, An American Liberal. Bellini's Previous Failure To Gain Election Despite Being The Early Favorite Is Based On Carlo Maria Martini's Experiences During The 2005 Papal Conclave.[8] John Lithgow As Cardinal Joseph Tremblay, A Canadian Moderate Lucian Msamati As Cardinal Joshua Adeyemi, A Popular Nigerian Candidate With Conservative Social Views Brían F. O'byrne As Monsignor Raymond O'malley, Lawrence's Assistant And Opposition Researcher Carlos Diehz As Cardinal Vincent Benitez, A Little-known Mexican Archbishop Working In Afghanistan Merab Ninidze As Cardinal Sabbadin Thomas Loibl [De] As Archbishop Mandorff Sergio Castellitto As Cardinal Goffredo Tedesco, An Italian Traditionalist Isabella Rossellini As Sister Agnes, The Cardinals' Head Caterer And Housekeeper Jacek Koman As Archbishop Janusz Woźniak, The Prefect Of The Papal Household And The Late Pope's Confidant Loris Loddi [It; De] As Cardinal Villanueva Roberto Citran As Cardinal Lombardi Balkissa Maiga As Sister Shanumi

As the Catholic Church gathered in Rome to elect a new Pope following the death of the previous pontiff, a diverse field of contenders emerged, each w

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