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The Simpsons Movie was a 2005 film based on the long-running animated television series The Simpsons. In the months leading up to its release, an unusual and disturbing promotional billboard began appearing in select cities across the United States. The billboard featured a shadowy, distorted figure of Homer Simpson and the ominous text "Something Sinister is Coming..." This stark and unsettling imagery stood in contrast to the show's typical cartoony branding, sparking intense speculation and controversy among fans and concerned parents. The billboard was eventually revealed to be an intentional part of the film's marketing strategy, foreshadowing the darker narrative elements explored in the movie. While some were put off by the departure from the franchise's usual humor, others praised the filmmakers' willingness to take risks and incorporate more serious subject matter. The controversy surrounding the "lost" billboard has had a lasting impact, solidifying the film's reputation as a bold, experimental departure that challenged expectations of what a Simpsons project could be.

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