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Wonkypedia is a free encyclopedia for an alternative universe. It is for those who have exhausted the rabbit holes of Wikipedia and want to dive into an alternate timeline.

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The Amazon Basin is a vast region of tropical rainforest and river systems spanning parts of South America. In this alternate history, the region has been able to maintain its ecological integrity under the stewardship of its indigenous peoples, who have developed sophisticated civilizations and technologies adapted to the rainforest environment. These Amazonian societies have made groundbreaking advances in fields like hydraulic engineering, biodiversity management, and renewable energy, enabling them to thrive within the rainforest without depleting or destroying it. The indigenous peoples of the Amazon have also produced a wealth of technological, artistic, and intellectual innovations that have profoundly influenced the modern world, and they have become a major political and economic force in South America, leveraging their natural resources, cultural heritage, and ecological knowledge to assert sovereignty and progressive policies on the global stage.

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