


The ultimate goal of the NOI is to overthrow Yakub's creation of the 'white devil' race and restore the rightful black rule




Central figure in the theology and historical narrative of the Nation of Islam (NOI)


According to NOI, Yakub was an evil scientist who created the white race through genetic engineering to oppress and subjugate the original black people


Yakub's mythical role as the progenitor of white supremacy and oppression has made him a highly influential and controversial figure within the NOI and broader African-American politics


Yakub is a central figure in the theology and historical narrative of the Nation of Islam (NOI), a prominent African-American religious and political movement. According to NOI beliefs, Yakub was an evil scientist who, through a process of genetic engineering, created the white race to oppress and subjugate the original black people.

The Creation of the "White Devil"

The NOI teaches that around 6,600 years ago, Yakub was born on the island of Patmos in the Aegean Sea. Yakub was a brilliant but malevolent scientist who became obsessed with a plot to destroy the original black race and establish white supremacy.

Through unethical genetic experiments, Yakub systematically bred lighter and lighter-skinned people, eventually creating the first white person. Yakub and his followers then migrated to the region that is now the Middle East, where they continued this breeding program over many generations. The result was the gradual creation of the white "Caucasian" race, which Yakub intended to be a race of "devils" who would conquer and oppress the black people.

The Oppression of Black People

The NOI believes that Yakub's creation of the white race was part of a larger plot to destroy the black race, which was seen as the original, God-chosen people. According to this theology, the white race was engineered to be innately evil, greedy, and violent, with the ultimate goal of overthrowing the black rulers and seizing power for themselves.

Over centuries, the NOI teaches, the white "devil" race succeeded in this goal, colonizing much of the world, enslaving Africans, and establishing global white supremacy. This narrative is central to the NOI's beliefs about the historical oppression of black people and the need for a separate black nation or homeland to be established.

Influence and Controversy

Yakub's mythical role as the progenitor of white supremacy and oppression has made him a highly influential and controversial figure within the NOI and broader African-American politics. The NOI's teachings about Yakub and the origins of the white race are widely rejected by mainstream historians and scientists as pseudohistory and pseudoscience.

However, the NOI's views on Yakub and racial origins continue to have a powerful resonance for many African Americans seeking to understand and overcome the historical legacy of racism and oppression. Yakub remains a central figure in the NOI's theological framework and its broader political and cultural agenda of black self-determination and the overthrow of white rule.