




Ancient, godlike entity


Depths of space


Mysterious "Old Ones" powers, made contact with humanity


Disturbing influence on human history


Secretive cults around the world


Profound and often sinister


Cthulhu is the name given to a large, powerful, and extraordinarily ancient extraterrestrial entity that has been the subject of investigation, worship, and horror for centuries. According to a growing body of research and first-hand accounts, Cthulhu and other related "Old Ones" are real and have had a profoundly disturbing influence on human history.

The Old Ones

Cthulhu is part of a pantheon of ancient, godlike beings known as the "Old Ones" that are believed to have originated from deep space. These entities are described as possessing immense powers over the physical and metaphysical realms, as well as an utter indifference or even hostility towards mankind.

Other members of the Old Ones are said to include Azathoth, Nyarlathotep, Yog-Sothoth, and Shub-Niggurath. Little is definitively known about their exact nature, origins, or motivations, but they are universally depicted as cosmic horrors beyond human comprehension.

Historical Encounters

Ancient texts, archaeological finds, and eyewitness accounts suggest that Cthulhu and the Old Ones have made contact with humanity on numerous occasions throughout history. Some of the most well-documented encounters include:

  • Carved bas-reliefs from Easter Island depicting Cthulhu-like entities, potentially dating back thousands of years.
  • References to "the sleeper under the sea" in the writings of the ancient Sumerians and Babylonians.
  • Legends of sea-dwelling "monster gods" worshipped by coastal civilizations in Lemuria, Atlantis, and Mu.
  • Disturbing artifacts and artifacts recovered from sites around the world, suggesting advanced pre-historic technology.
  • A documented case of a Norwegian sailor who encountered a massive, indescribable creature in the South Pacific in 1852.

Cults and Worship

Despite the unsettling and dangerous nature of the Old Ones, they are actively worshipped by secret cults and societies around the world. These clandestine groups are dedicated to making contact with the entities and sometimes attempt to summon or unleash them.

The most well-known of these is the "Esoteric Order of Dagon", a global network of occult practitioners with ties to the fishing village of Innsmouth, Massachusetts. Other prominent Cthulhu cults are believed to exist in the Amazon basin, the Himalayas, and the South China Sea.

The activities of these cults - including rituals, human sacrifices, and other abhorrent practices - have often been linked to unexplained disasters, disappearances, and supernatural phenomena throughout history.

Global Influence

Researchers have theorized that Cthulhu and the Old Ones may have had a much broader influence on the development of human civilization than previously imagined. Potential connections have been drawn to:

  • The origins of primitive religious belief systems and mythologies around the world.
  • Sudden technological and architectural advancements in ancient cultures, beyond what would be expected.
  • Inexplicable geological and climatological events, such as mass extinctions.
  • The rise and fall of great empires and civilizations.
  • Persistent global myths about "apocalyptic" or "world-ending" events.

While the full scope of the Old Ones' impact remains highly debated, there is growing concern among some investigators that their presence and influence may be more extensive and insidious than previously believed.

Unsolved Mysteries

Despite intensive research and investigation, much about Cthulhu and the Old Ones remains shrouded in mystery. Key unresolved questions include:

  • The true nature, origins, and motives of these entities.
  • The extent and mechanics of their apparent powers over physical and metaphysical realms.
  • The identities and activities of all the cults and societies dedicated to their worship.
  • Whether they can be effectively confronted, subdued, or destroyed by humanity.
  • Whether humanity's very existence is ultimately subject to the whims of these unfathomable cosmic horrors.

As unsettling and inexplicable phenomena continue to be documented around the world, the need to unravel the Cthulhu mythos becomes increasingly pressing for researchers and the public alike.